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Dear Baby,

May 2, 2016

Dear Baby, 

We found out you were in my belly on April 30 and our worlds were forever changed. You heart has just started beating and your ears and nose are developing. Mommy and Daddy are pretty good looking so I’m sure you will be perfect. You can be anything you want to be. You will always make us happy. Baby, when we found out you were in my belly we were really scared. Beyond scared. We were terrified. And to be honest, we probably always will be. Your dad was so excited but I was so afraid. Afraid of what people would think, afraid of ruining my career, afraid of my body changing, afraid of disappointing my family. I’m afraid that I’m not grown up enough to be a mom. What if I’m not selfless enough? What if we can’t give you the life we know you deserve? It took me a day of tears and Mint Chocolate Chip Ice Cream to realize that you are the only thing that matters anymore, though. Mommy and Dad read a lot of articles and listen to a lot of parenting podcasts. We want to be as prepared as possible while remaining quite aware that it is impossible to ever be truly prepared for something like this. We know you will be worth it. So, whenever I’m nauseous or waking up to pee right after getting comfortable, whenever another zit appears, whenever Mommy yells at Daddy during a mood swing, or whenever my self doubt sets in, we think of you. We think of what you’ll look like and how you’ll smile at us and we know even without seeing you that we would do anything for you. You will be starting to hear soon and we promise to sing you a good variety of genres of music. Enjoy the ride, little one. We are so excited to meet you. Daddy is taking Mommy out for lobster tonight. He’s a keeper. Love always and forever, Mommy  

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